The Lost and the Damned Framed Canvas



Framed Canvas is stretched around a 35mm deep frame and the borders around the canvas are black. We print on a 100% cotton 482gsm archival canvas to produce a giclée print that has an archival rating of 75 years. To protect the print is it sprayed with a fine art satin seal.

The outer frame is a black lacquered wood and has a smooth satin finish. The back of the canvas is finished with acid-free artists backing tape.

All our frames are all hand-made in-house and sourced from FSC regulated sustainable resources.

Each product is individually hand-numbered and comes with a certificate of authenticity that includes the issue date, image name and edition number.

This item is excluded from all promotional offers.

Size: 400mm x 600mm

Siege of Terra book two. The Solar War is over. The Siege of Terra has begun. As the Traitors unleash their deadliest weapons, the defenders of the Throneworld face nightmare and plague - but Terra must stand. Artist - Neil Roberts.